Nathan’s story: Treating anxiety & depression with an integrative approach

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Nathan’s story: Treating anxiety & depression with an integrative approach

Here is another patient video testimonial from Trinergy Health!

Nathan was first seen in Spring 2016 for complaints of anxiety, depression and not being able to move ahead in life. Prior to working with Dr. Tummala and Trinergy Health, Nathan was in treatment for nearly 16-17 years and had worked with many psychiatrists, therapists and was treated with various psychiatric medications; at times a combination of them. He had never experienced relief from this approach and was feeling hopeless about his health and life when he began to work with Dr. Tummala.

But now, not only has he been in remission from depression and anxiety for the last 2 years, he has finally been able to move ahead in life – professionally and personally!

Please watch this video to learn more about Nathan’s experience and share with friends and family!

If you or your loved one is struggling with symptoms of mental illness and are interested in an integrative approach that addresses the root cause of a person’s illness; which is about considering the whole person (and not just providing symptom relief), call Trinergy Health at (262) 955 6601 or contact us to schedule an appointment.

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