Amy’s Testimonial: No More Migraines!

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Amy’s Testimonial: No More Migraines!

In this video testimonial, Amy shares her remarkable progress and transformation using Trinergy’s unique combination of Integrative Psychiatry, Ayurveda and Functional medicine.

When Amy first came to see us, she was suffering from a 3-decade-long struggle with chronic, debilitating migraines, acid reflux, brain fog and concentration/focus issues, hip pain, neck/shoulder pain, swelling/inflammation, mood instability and depression.

Fast forward 6 months later and Amy feels like a new person! She went from 23 migraines per month to only 3 and is back at work and thinking clearly for the first time in years. Her brain fog has disappeared along with most of her pain. Following our regime, she also lost 20 pounds and her skin is clearer and her hair is healthier.

“I feel like a different person! I’m blown away.”

If you are ready for this kind of medicine, contact us today.

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