Angie’s Story – A Full Recovery from Addiction to Opiates & Heroin Using a Root Cause Approach!

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Angie’s Story – A Full Recovery from Addiction to Opiates & Heroin Using a Root Cause Approach!

I’d like to introduce Angie, our new receptionist at Trinergy Health who has quickly become an integral member of our growing team.

Angie’s life story is very inspiring. In this video, she shares her journey with opiate addiction that ultimately led to prison time and finally recovery. It began with an over-prescription of opiates for chronic pain, coupled with a history of depression and anxiety. When the doctors eventually cut her off, Angie was left with an addiction that spiraled out of control. It was then she turned to heroin and later spent time in prison.

Sadly, for those struggling with addiction, this is an all-too-familiar story that desperately needs our attention. Rather than seek out the root cause of Angie’s suffering, mainstream medicine and psychiatry turns to the overuse of medications like opiates, that are highly addictive and actually intended for terminally ill patients. In fact, when I first moved to the United States, I was shocked by the blatant overuse of opiates and the general separation (or divorce) of body and mind in psychiatry.

Thankfully, and because of her awakening and self-empowerment, Angie was able to overcome her addiction and has now been clean for over 2 and a half years. She began to question her history of over-medication and started seeking out natural treatments to address the root cause in order to heal her body and mind. As she states, “I wanted to work on me, not just medicate me.”

If you are suffering from addiction, we are here for you. Addiction is not your whole story. In fact, my recent experience and studies have convinced me that it is actually (developmental) trauma which is the gateway drug for addiction and mental illness. Addiction and mental illnesses are an expression of a need for connection with one another and with nature. It is a disconnection from our natural rhythms and humanity. I believe it is the number one reason we are seeing an explosion of addiction issues and mental illnesses.

At Trinergy, we address these root causes of trauma and disconnection and help our patients reclaim their health and lives in a holistic way.

If you are ready for this kind of medicine, contact us today.

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